Welcome to our blog! We're so happy that you want to keep up with what is happening in our lives. It certainly is a very exciting time for us because, as you probably know by now, we are expecting our first child!! That's right. Baby Morin is due January 31st, 2010 and we could not be more happy, nervous, excited and clueless all at the same time.
This is a disclaimer by the way: Although this blog is about the entire Morin family, it will be a cold day in hell when Chris actually posts something. So don't be surprised if I refer to "I" a lot. Just know that it's me (Lindsay) posting and not Chris. He gets no credit for this:)
Anyhoo, let's get down to business, shall we? We found out we were pregnant on Thursday, May 28th, at approximately 8pm. I had gotten home from the gym and went to get pizza for dinner. Yes, I did consume all the calories that I'd just burned off. I'd already taken two pregnancy tests up to this point, not because I had any signs of pregnancy, more just because I wanted to say I'd done it:) But this night Chris suggested that I pick some up. I was reluctant because I KNEW I wasn't pregnant and I didn't want to spend $15 just to be disappointed. But, to appease him, I bought some while I waited for the pizza to get done. I went by Safeway, $22 for 3 tests. Eff that noise. I'll try Walgreen's. $11 for two. That's more like it. Made my purchase and headed to pick up what I was really excited about. Pizza.
When I get home I hardly have time to sit down with my slice of pepperoni and pineapple before Chris asks if I'm going to take the test. Dammit! I was hoping he'd forgotten. So, I think to myself, "Well, we ARE going to Eagle Crest this weekend with his family, and wine is ALWAYS a major component when that happens, so I better find out because I don't want to drink if I'm knocked up". Literally, that was my logic when I finally decided just to take the damn test. Messed up, I know... God I miss alcohol. But I digress.
So I head to the bathroom to do the deed. Here we go. I made sure to buy the digital tests this time too. The kind that say "pregnant" or "not pregnant", just so there wouldn't be any confusion. I had to make it as clear as possible. I pee on the stick and then wait. I leave the bathroom once and return shortly after. The test is still thinking... Ok, I'll go give my husband a kiss really quick. Go back, and sure as shit, there it is. PREGNANT!! No way. I mean I KNEW I wasn't pregnant. How could I be so wrong about my own body. I have to tell you though. I've never been so happy to be wrong in my life. I walk out of the bathroom to Chris trying to keep a straight face but I couldn't help at the last second bursting out into a smile with a hideous sounding laugh/cry sound. When Chris saw it, he immediately pulled me tighter to him than I'd ever felt and he began balling. I'm talking ugly cry here. Now Chris is not a sappy guy, and I've NEVER seen him cry like this.
We stood there hugging for a good two minutes before Cider, our Basset Hound, began barking at us because she was pissed that she wasn't in on this embrace. Still stunned we tried to go about our evening as we normally would.
That weekend we got to tell Chris' parents and sister the good news. We had to afterall because once they saw that I wasn't drinking, they would know something was up. Actually, practically the first thing Joy (Chris' mom) did when we got there was pour me a glass of wine. So, I pretended to sip it until we could tell them, which turned out to not be that long because Chris was a nervous wreck and wasn't fooling anyone. His heart was pounding out of his chest and he kept running into things and knocking things over. His mom called him and freak and told him to take a pill:)
We told them the same way as his parents told his grandparents. We had a onsie made that says "I Love Grandma & Grandpa" and told them by surprising them with that. Very sweet. They, of course, were extatic and very surprised too! All the while I had to lie to my mom over the phone that weekend and tell her that I wasn't pregnant because there was no way I was going to tell her over the phone. So yes, I told my mother a bold-faced lie, but I knew she would understand.
A week later I was in Medford visiting my parents. Chris couldn't come because he was in Seattle that weekend but the plan was for him to bring the laptop and I'd borrow my brother's and we would get over the web cam to tell them. But, surprise, surprise, Chris forgot the laptop, so there goes that bright idea. Onto plan B. Get Chris on speaker phone. Lame! But, it was still very special. My parents were blown away and didn't even see it coming. Especially my mom since I so adamantly promised her that I wasn't pregnant. After she hugged and kissed me she proceded to call me a "little bitch" and said she couldn't believe I lied to her. For those who don't know my mom and my relationship, that is very us. The name "bitch" is a term of endearment to us:) Love you momma!!
So, everyone is elated and my has the time flown by. I can't believe that I'm already 22 weeks along. More than half way there!! I'll fill you in on a few things that have progressed and some fun facts:
- There is only ONE baby
- We are NOT finding out the sex; yes, we are crazy and I don't want to hear another word about it! This is our baby and why should anyone care so much if we're finding out the sex or not? Can you tell this is a touchy subject for us:)
- It is a very active baby. I've felt movement since about weak 14 or 15. Now I can actually see the movement. Very cool.
- It's a thumb sucker! I'll post some ultrasound pics for you to see.
- This is the first grandchild on both sides as well as the first niece or nephew on either side too. Needless to say, it's going to be one spoiled kid!!
So, I think that's it for now. Check back for more posts and pictures so you can keep up with this incredible journey with us. Thanks again for visiting our blog!!
~Lindsay, Chris & Baby Morin