I'm officially 5 months pregnant!! Yay, only 4 more to go. If we want to get technical, I'm actually 22 weeks, and into my 23rd week... if that makes any sense. Our baby has surpassed the 1 lb mark and I'm really starting to feel it. I also read that this week marks the beginning of some serious weight gain. Great! Well, I've actually been very fortunate so far. I've made it my entire pregnancy without gaining a single pound. In fact, I lost about 8 pounds in my first trimester and then gained that back, so I'm right where I was before I was pregnant. Which is just fine with me. I officially can't fit into any of my pre-pregnancy clothes, especially pants. I can still get away with some shirts, but not for long.
The can feel the baby moving around more and more everyday. Now Chris and feel too! Finally we're able to share that together. For such a long time it's just been me who could experience this amazing feeling and Chris would just have to hear me oooh and aaah so it's very cool that he can get in on it now. Here are some pictures of me at 5 months:) Enjoy!!
You look beautiful! Our family has you in our prayers for healthy pregnancy, healthy delivery, healthy baby!